I have learned more in the last 8 months at White Horse than I have at the church I attended previously for 2 years. (I'm not saying the church I went to before was bad, by any means. I simply believe that everyone has their own way of understanding and absorbing certain things.) Being at White Horse, I feel God's presence in me so much more now, because I am learning to yield my whole self to Him. I've realized that God is not found in a place of worship and praise, wherever that may be, but that He dwells within you.
I feel so blessed that He has guided me to this place, and that He has put such amazing people in my life. Everyone I've met at WHCC has helped me to grow in my relationship with God and to continually work on it. I'm still learning so much and I am so excited! I am so happy at this point in my life, to have finally found that peace in my heart and His spirit within me. It is a feeling I've tried to explain, but it honestly is something you can only feel for yourself. There are no words to even begin to describe the feeling. It's been a wild journey so far, and I'm ready for what all He has planned for me in my next steps.